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"The truth is... I greatly admire the last creature I'd ever expect to be in with... Rukoua."
Kenzik, Camouflaged Lovers

Camouflaged Lovers

Camouflaged Lovers
Series The Onuka Chronicles
Author(s) Makar

Camouflaged Lovers: Kenzik's Diary is the third installment in The Onuka Chronicles and an Epic supplement to both the Early Sunsets Arc and the Zelix Nui Trilogy that was written by BZPower and C.I.R.C.L.E. member Makar.


I have tried many times to come up with a name for this story and have come up with nothing that fits it well. But before I reveal the name I chose, I should probably tell about the origin of this document. I found the manuscripts in a metal box hidden under the ruins of a charred building.

I seem to have gone ahead of myself. This building was on my homeland, which was burned by a group of protectors for the "greater good". I didn't understand it back then and I still don't. Whether I understood or not, they still destroyed my homeland and all of my friends... but I shouldn't ponder on that.

This diary was written by one of my best friends, a Matoran of Sonics named Kenzik. He wasn't exactly my brightest or nicest friend, but he was still loyal. Ever since I retrieved the scripts from his ruined hut, I have held them close at my side.

Now that I'm in this new village, hidden from my enemies and the one friend that helped me escape my homeland, I decided to scribe a few entries for my new neighbors to read... since I didn't have anything better to do. So I distributed some copies to a few elders under the name of "Kenzik's Diary". They got a good laugh out of them, but weren't too happy with how it ended. They didn't like how the story ends abruptly and mysteriously.

In truth, the only reason it ended in mystery is because Kenzik was burned before he could write the next entry that revealed what happened next. So now that I'm leaving this place, I thought I'd leave a copy with my notes throughout the entries that tell a bit about his surroundings and stuff that would confuse anyone that wasn't on my homeland. I also have a note after the last entry that reveals how Kenzik's story ends.

I have finally found a name that suits this diary, so without delay, I present the true story of Kenzik from Onurak Nui, "Camouflaged Lovers”.

Wexl, The Only Survivor of the Onurak Nui Inferno

1 - The Day I Discovered My Feelings[]

Kenzik liked to name his entries along with a date, I cannot take responsibility for the entry names.

Oh diary, I cannot believe what a strange day this has been. Everything I knew I was sure about has been flipped around; everything I believed in has been altered. It's the weirdest feeling in the world and I never thought that it would happen to me, especially with that thing. Ugh, I might as well tell you, since you're paper and can't speak... but I'm getting off subject.

The truth is... I greatly admire the last creature I'd ever expect to be in with... Rukoua.

Anyone who knows me and would read this would probably fall back in surprise. They would start cracking up or make fun of me for it. They would probably wonder why I'd want to be really close friends with the slimiest, ugliest, most demanding, bossiest, most annoying sea creature on earth! Rukoua was a Matoran who had tentacles attached to her face, probably due to a creation defect. But for some reason, those normally bad qualities are what attracts me to her the most.

For some reason, I feel the urge for her to stick those tentacles along my face and for her demanding voice to give me an order. Oh that would get my heartlight racing... um, I really shouldn't finish that thought. Even my own diary doesn't need to hear some of my thoughts.

But I really should start from the beginning. It would be a waste of my time to go on about my appreciation for her. And you still don't know how these feelings surfaced. It all started today. Yes, I know it was quick, but I was harboring these feelings for a long time without realizing it.

Zoryx, Wexl, and I were on our afternoon break from work. I really can't recall what our occupations were. I remember that it was something that a Ga-, Ta-, and De-Matoran were capable of though. On our way from work, I caught Wexl staring at this Le-Matoran named Amaran. She wasn't bad in appearance or demeanor, I must admit, and I could tell why the little fellow adored her so much. However, I always love a chance to mess with my little friend and I gladly took the opportunity.

Once we sat down in an open field with our berries for energy, I started my teasing. “So Wexl, I caught you taking a glance at Amaran. Care to share any details?” I moved my brow up twice, suggesting his little desire to team up with her.

Turning away to hide his embarrassed expression, Wexl muttered, “I don't know what you're talking about.”

I made eye contact with Zoryx, who seemed to catch what I was going for. “Yeah, Wexl, why don't you share your thoughts about her. I'm sure you have enough to lift three hundred pounds underwater," he suggested.

I laughed to myself at his analogy and continued my tease, “Yeah, I'm sure you want to aid her in all her tasks.”

“And give her some helping hands,” Zoryx continued, softly punching Wexl on the shoulder. He looked really embarrassed now and was just staring at the ground, trying to ignore our teasing.

“And let's not forget her soft... delicate chin.” With this, I stuck my chin out and closed my eyes. First, I had my face towards Wexl and said, “Oh, is this what you want to do with Amaran. Stick out your chin and then turn,” I began turning my head, “Into a chin-rub...”

The moment I fully turned my head, I realized that I had turned into someone's chin. It was the most powerful thing I've ever experienced. Chills went through my armor and I felt like I was on top of the world. I knew right then that whoever I had accidentally chin-tapped, he or she had to be my friend for life. The perfect co-worker for me. The chin-tap lasted for what felt like hours, but then I felt something slimy rub across my face and realized in horror whose chin I was tapping.

“Yikes!” I shouted as I broke the chin-rub abruptly and stared into the eyes of the person whose chin I'd tapped. Rukoua, her tentacles still for once, stared straight back at me with as much horror as I was experiencing.

We stayed staring at each other in silence for a minute or so, taking in what just happened. I remember thinking confused at how something that amazing had come from her, "The Queen of the Sea Monsters", and disgusted that I had actually knocked our chins together! I don't know what she was thinking, but she broke the silence awkwardly and slowly. “I was just coming here to warn you guys that our break ends in five minutes and you better get back on time...” I was shocked that the usual snotty tone was absent from her voice. It was almost as if she was shocked at the chin-tap too, but then her expression turned to anger.

“How dare you try that on me!” she shouted. “You'll be lucky if I don't tell our Turaga about your little stunt! I know that I'm beautiful and everything, but that is such a low move!” She screamed some more unrecognizable phrases as she charged away from me. I couldn't believe what just happened.

But then things got worst as I noticed what was going on around me. Wexl and Zoryx were staring at me with huge smirks on their faces. When they saw me staring at them, a huge roar of laughter came over them.

“Woah! Look out Onurak Nui, Kenzik and Sea Queen are an invincible team,” Zoryx teased.

“Yea, so now I know whose chin - and tentacles - you're dreaming of!” Wexl said, with pride from the fact that he was able to make fun of me back.

“Oh, shut up,” I countered. “That was the worst experience of my life.”

Wexl and Zoryx exchanged glances and then started cracking up again. “Sure it was! Your face sure said that,” they both teased in unison.

Luckily no one else except those two saw the occurrence. The rest of my fellow workers had already left to return to work. Our Turaga didn't come and speak to me, so I guess that Rukoua didn't tell anyone. As for Zoryx and Wexl, I got them to shut up about it, after about three hours of banter, by bribing them. For Wexl, I have to stop making Amaran jokes for three weeks and for Zoryx, I have to serve as a weight for him... underwater. I can't wait to hold my breath for that experience.

But it's worth it, because I most definitely didn't want that experience to taint my reputation. As I reflected upon the chin tap later in the day, I realized how real that moment felt and that I truly did want to be close friends with Rukoua. Oh, I know it's gross and strange, but I admire her more than anything in the world. That chin-tap just made me realize it. That moment showed me that there is a kind, gentle nature behind her bossy exterior. That instance, right after the chin-tap, her entire body became calm. I really want to see her calm side... perhaps it will only strengthen my appreciation for her. But her bossy side for some reason attracts me tremendously as well. Oh well, friendship-for-life doesn't make sense.

I don't really know what to do now. I can't let anyone know. I love her to death, but it would be so embarrassing for anyone to find out that I wanted to be friends for life with the Octopus Princess. I don't know if I should tell her or if I want to tell her. But I want to be with her so bad. Ugh, I'll probably just wait and see what happens. I hate being confused about females. Every time I have been, I just dropped her and moved onto less confusing ones. But for some reason, I like dealing with the confusion for her. Well, I guess that's all for now, diary. I don't think you want to hear more reasons why I adore her. I'm getting sick myself just thinking of them.


Following this entry were several dozens of entries about Kenzik's days of secretly loving Rukoua... I still can't believe that this happened, it's so disgusting. He constantly drones on about wondering what her calm side and describes how her disgustingly forceful qualities attract him. I didn't think that anyone would actually want to feel those slimy tentacles. But despite this, it's one of the only things I have left to remember him by. So I'm to skip ahead and write down the next significant entry.

2 - Fight For Her Honor[]

Ugh... what a horrid day! I almost blew my secret crush on Rukoua, but it was worth it. Nobody is gonna insult her when I'm around ever again.

It all began when all the Matoran in our village and I were lined up in the center of the village, awaiting to receive our orders for the day. Our head elder, Fezic, was standing before us.

“Nou, ma litl Maforan. Tofay, all ou yu wilf be,” he started in his strange accent that the majority of us could not understand. He must have had some creation dysfunction that messed up his throat. I recall that I never understood a word that he said, but for some reason I still miss the Turaga's accent and those morning briefings.

But luckily Rukoua was able to understand him. She usually translated and then relayed the orders to us, usually in a snotty demanding tone. Ugh that little Squid thought she was the center of the universe! Oh... she's wonderful.

Anyway, it usually took her a bit to listen to all of the Turaga's orders, giving the rest of us time to goof off... or to stare passionately into Rukuoa's beautiful eyes. Oh, she's just gorgeous to look at. But I had to restrain myself because Wexl and Zoryx were standing right next to me, joking around. They would take any chance to make fun of me.

“Come on Wex, don't you want to go cliff diving with me after we work for the day? It'll be exciting and as I remember, Amaran likes exciting males,” Zoryx said while nudging the little Ta-Matoran on the shoulder.

“Hey you said you'd stop with the Amaran jokes!” Wexl defended.

Laughing Zoryx responded, “That was Kenzik, not me.” With that, the Ga-Matoran gestured over to and spotted me staring at the ground.

The moment I saw him looking at me, I looked up quickly and put on my teasing face, making it look like I was ready to jump in. “Yeah, I heard Amaran likes Gukko racing and cliff diving would top that.”

“That's not fair! You said you'd stop!” Wexl accused.

Shaking my head, I responded with a smirk on my face, “Sorry.”

“Don't bother Kenzik, I can take it from here,” Zoryx assured and he started another teasing bout with Wexl. This gave me the chance to look back at Rukoua. She was still fervently listening to Turaga Fezic.

The light reflected off her slimy tentacles beautifully in the morning sunlight. But then, she started to look distracted by the crowd's talking. It seemed as if everyone was ignoring the Turaga's orders, even thought they were practically mumbles. Anger flared across her face and she gestured for Fezic to stop. I remember this happening every day.

“Hey! Shut up you imbeciles! Our elder is trying to give us orders. In the name of Mata Nui, show some respect!” Her face was fervent with anger and disgust. I was mesmerized.

In my daze of staring at her, I repeated her words under my breath. I realized what I said instantly and I broke out of the gaze I towards Wexl and Zoryx, who luckily didn't notice. They were too busy getting annoyed with Rukoua, which lead to them muttering their complaints about her to each other.

Once Rukoua returned to listening to orders, Wexl and Zoryx went back to speaking normally. “Ugh that creature. I just want to put one of my weights on her head... underwater,” the muscular Ga-Matoran dreamed.

“I deal with my fear of being on a cliff to push her off one any day,” Wexl added. Both of their comments hurt me - I couldn't dream of being without Rukoua - but I needed to keep my cover, so I presented my own Rukoua murder fantasy. It took a lot of will to say it.

Another Matoran behind us heard our words and gladly joined in. He was a Ri-Matoran named Tahnuga and I was surprised that he moved over to us to chat since he was so quiet. He was practically a hermit that rarely came out to work. I guess this was one of those rare days.

“I know how you guys feel. Rukoua makes me want to spend time with Matoran for long periods of time. I just want to punch her in the face and crack her Kanohi...”

This comment was the worst and I couldn't bare letting anyone talk about her that way. I snapped.

Anger filling my mind, I yelled loudly, “You take that back you brimstone scum.”'

Zoryx and Wexl gave me a look of surprise at my outburst and then turned to see the Ri-Matoran's response.

Tahnuga looked incredibly shocked at my words, but then the look changed to that of offense. “What did you call me? Who are you, the sea monster's protector? Do you wanna stop me from cracking her mask?” His quiet voice and innocent appearance were both gone now.

His question set me off even more. I was ready to strike. “I'll crack your mask! You son of Karzahni!” Springing at him, my hand flew straight into his chest, which caused him to fly backwards at the impact. I jumped after him and landed on top of him. The Matoran of Brimstone tried to reach for my neck, but I responded with a couple blows to his mask.

Then Tahnuga kicked me in the side, causing me to fall away onto the hard ground. Not missing the chance, he moved to me and punched me straight in the face. I answered the blow with a shove to the Matoran's chest. He fell backwards again and I pounced on top of him again. I delivered one last blow to his mask, hearing his Kanohi crack under the force of the punch.

Suddenly, I was pulled off the Matoran by two forceful hands and fell backwards panting. Then I looked up at who had pulled be back and practically melted. Rukoua stood over me, rage engraved onto her mask. Across from me, Zoryx was holding back the muscular Tahunga. I spotted three large cracks at the bottom of his mask. For a moment, I felt a bit of guilt.

“What in the name of Mata Nui is wrong with you two?!” Rukoua screamed.

The Ri-Matoran pointed his finger at me, saying, “He started it. I didn't even say anything hurtful to him and he freaked out.”

The answer was not acceptable to the tentacled Ta-Matoran. “Well you should not have been saying hurtful things at all! Fezic would say the same thing, wouldn't you Turaga?”

Then I noticed the stout Turaga of Stone standing close by. “Yef, nou Maforan shulde sai hurful ings.”

Nodding Rukoua continued, “Exafy... I mean exactly!”

Tahnuga just grunted, looking defeated. Zoryx's hands relaxed as he noticed that the Matoran was no longer resisting.

Rolling her eyes, Rukoua commanded, “Zoryx, will you please escort Tahnuga to the medic hut?”

Zoryx nodded and she gestured for him to go. Pulling Tahnuga up, the muscular Ga-Matoran moved through the crowd with his burden.

At that moment, I noticed the crowd of confused and solemn Matoran watching me. It looked as if some of them were cheering, but stopped when authority entered the scene. Most of them just seemed to be shocked that a fight had broken out.

“Kenzik!” Rukoua yelled, snapping me out of my staring at the crowd. “You are to meet me tomorrow in my hut to discuss you're punishment. Turaga Fezic will be there as well. Now go with Wexl back to your hut. Hopefully his weak presence will calm you down.”

Not looking offended by the comment, Wexl feebly tried to pull me up, but I just ended up getting up by myself. I put on a mask of being angry from the fight as I walked through the staring crowd. But I wasn't angry at all. I felt honored that I got to fight in Rukuoa's defense.

I fought for her honor and because of it, I get to meet with her tomorrow, hopefully alone. Maybe I'll get a chance to share my feelings. But I'll be too nervous being alone with her for the first time and what if she doesn't like me back? She would tell everyone what I said and ruin my reputation. I couldn't have that either.

Behind Wexl and I, Rukoua beautifully barked orders to the other Matoran. Hopefully hearing her voice will give me the strength to tell her tomorrow and hopefully my prayers that she likes me back will be answered.

Wexl didn't make any jokes about my fight on the way back. He actually looked nervous escorting me back. I guess he felt like any comment would set me off again. I didn't bother making a joke to break the tension because I was hoping that keeping this tension would influence him to forget about the fight. I was afraid for my life. Eventually we got to my hut and I silently walked into it.

As soon as I heard his foot steps disappear into the night, I squealed at the thought of being alone with Rukoua. I hope to Mata Nui that Wexl and Zoryx forget the incident. We did, for sure. It would be too hard to make up an excuse as to why I defended Rukoua. Oh well... I'll worry about that thought after I meet with Rukoua. I can't wait.


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